Sunday, June 27, 2010

Baby, Baby, Baby Shower!

What a wonderful day! Being able to share our upcoming arrival with my closest friends and family was magical! I just want to thank everyone who was able to come yesterday and let you know that each of you individually made the day so special. A special thanks to my mom and sister-in-law Sarah for helping put everything together! Couldn't have done it without you two! I LOVE YOU BOTH!

The gorgeous diaper cake my grandma made

Custom cake from Shannan (it was delicious!)



Look at all that loot! : )

Me and Becca

Me, Michelle, and April

Shannan and Nicole

Lindsay, Aubrey, and Ariana

Melissa and Melissa : )

Fran and Linda

Getting ready for the games

Go Kim!

Workin' hard!

Mom handing out game prizes

And the present opening begins...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Baby's First Image

Yesterday was the big ultrasound day! I have been looking forward to this day for a long time! They say the best time to have the 3D/4D ultrasounds done is between 27-32 weeks so I thought it would be perfect as I hit the 29 week mark yesterday! Oh my gosh! 29 weeks! I only have 11 weeks (or less) to go!?!?! Ahhh!

We were originally planning on going to this place called Miracle in Progress but when I called them, they informed me that they were closing... on Saturday. Great. They were nice enough to refer me to another place called Baby's First Image which actually turned out to be closer to my house so yay! The ultrasound room was decorated so nicely and there was soft music playing in the background and I got to lay on a really comfy bed! The lady who performed the ultrasound was really nice. First she did Ally's measurements and everything was measuring normal. She weighs 3 pounds now! WoW! Hard for me to believe that! We got a total of about 70 pictures and about 15 minutes of video.

Ally was very active during the entire ultrasound and did really well for the first 10 minutes or so, until she decided to stick her fingers/hand in her mouth and wouldn't take it out for anything which spoiled most of the rest of the pictures. The images were distorted with her hand/arm in the way. We were lucky to get a few good ones though! Maria, the tech, said she definitely has a prominent nose (which you will see shortly; it totally looks like Shane's nose)! How exciting!

I know what it's like to have your parents' features because I look a lot like both of my parents, but Shane, being adopted, has no idea what it's like so I think this is extra special for him. I'm so glad I'm able to share this with him. Sometimes I feel more happy for him that we're having a baby than for me. I'm so excited he gets to understand that bond and I think he's going to be the best dad.

Without further ado, here she is! I'm not going to bore you with 70 pictures on here so I chose the best. (As soon as I figure out how to add video, I'll add that too.)

Her eyes were open for a lot of the ultrasound! She looks mad!

She's smiling!

Good picture of her foot.


She look so innocent here.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Nursery Furniture

We ordered Ally's furniture today! The good news? It's beautiful! The bad news? It's not in stock and could take 6-8 weeks to get in... I love it because we got it at this place called Dagerman's and they are the only store in town that carries it, which makes it rare and special (just like my baby Ally). I'm so hoping it doesn't take as long as they said because that would bring us to the beginning of August! And if you have read my previous blogs, you know how OCD I am and how I want everything to be done ASAP. So let's keep out fingers crossed for a speedy delivery!

Here's a picture of what the furniture looks like. We only ordered the crib and the dresser (without the hutch).


I'm sure every mother at one point or another dreams of being a SAHM (stay at home mom.) It is definitely a dream of mine. It WAS definitely a dream of mine... until that dream came crashing down into little pieces. When I found out that Ally was due at the end of August, I thought it couldn't be any more perfect! I would be able to work through the rest of the school year and end my contract honorably. Then I would take the next school year off (at least) to be home to take care of my baby.

All of that was before my husband's job decided to slow down dramatically. He's not making nearly as much as he was this time last year and in all honesty, we probably cannot afford for me to be taking time off right now. I couldn't be more upset about this. I can't image another person practically raising what could possibly be our only child. Not only that, but we know NO ONE that could even be that person. Which means we will be relying on a stranger to take care of our most precious gift. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.

However, I do live in the real world and I know you don't always get what you want. I just wish I could have what I want this time! Because I'm a first year teacher, there was a good chance I was going to get riffed (taken out of my current position because of the budget cuts) but as of today it looks like that isn't going to happen. On one hand, I'm thankful I'm able to keep my job and that my principal wants me there. On the other hand, I'm not exactly sure that where I am is where I belong. Don't get me wrong, everyone at my school has been AMAZING and I feel so lucky to have the help and support (and friends) there. Because most of my students are ELL (English Language Learners) it is a difficult task and sometimes I feel like I don't have what it takes to help these children. With things the way they are in the district, I unfortunately don't have the luxury of just "finding a new job". So as it stands, I will work through the rest of this school year (my last day being August 5th). When school resumes, that will begin my 6 weeks maternity leave or 8 weeks if I have to have a c-section.

I have to try to look at the bright side; I will have the entire summer off and my hours are pretty good. My friend Shannan also mentioned that because I'm working, that's more shopping I can do for her! F-U-N! And who knows?? Maybe by next year Shane will be busier at work and I can take time off then. I'm so lucky to be surrounded by such wonderful family and friends that I know I'll be able to get through this.